News from Visual Intelligence

My Research Stay at Visual Intelligence: María Castro Fernández

July 24, 2024

María Castro Fernández is a PhD Candidate at the Research Institute of Applied Microelectronics at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in Spain. She visited Visual Intelligence in Tromsø from January to June 2024.

Visual Intelligence at Arendalsuka 2024: Hvordan implementerer vi KI for bruk i helsesektoren på en trygg måte?

July 22, 2024

AI tools wield enormous potential within the health sector. How do we ensure that such tools are safely implemented and used within this field? The event will take place on August 14th, 11:45-12:45 at Bankgården, Strandgaten 2-4.

My Research Stay at Visual Intelligence: Thea Brüsch

July 1, 2024

Thea Brüsch is a PhD student at the Section for Cognitive Systems at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). She visited the UiT Machine Learning Group from January to June 2024.

Meet Lars, our newest doctoral research fellow

June 28, 2024

Visual Intelligence happily welcomes Lars Uebbing, who recently started as a doctoral research fellow at Visual Intelligence in Tromsø. Kunstig intelligens finner leverkreft

June 26, 2024

Det tar for lang tid å analysere bilder for å finne ut om en pasient har kreft i leveren. Nå har forskerne laget et system som gjør jobben mer effektivt (Norwegian news story).

Visual Intelligence paper featured in EurekAlert

June 24, 2024

We are happy to announce that a Visual Intelligence paper "The 3-billion fossil question: How to automate classification of microfossils" was featured in the scientific newspaper EurekAlert!

PhD student Eirik Agnalt Østmo featured in Norwegian popular science podcast

June 24, 2024

In the episode, Østmo was included in an Abels tårn expert panel to answer different questions about AI and deep learning.

Successful course on generative AI at UiT, in collaboration with Visual Intelligence

June 21, 2024

Visual Intelligence organized a special curricular course on Generative AI at UiT The Arctic University of Norway this spring. The course covered Large Language Models, Generative AI for images, and Generative AI for audio.

Become an NLDL sponsor!

June 20, 2024

Our sponsorship packages provide a number of benefits, such as registration and networking benefits for company employees, company and brand visibility, and more.

NRK Radio: UiT and UNN develop AI to detect liver cancer

June 18, 2024

Associate professor and principal investigator Kristoffer Wickstrøm recently talked about a collaborative Visual Intelligence project between UiT and UNN on NRK Radio. The project aims to develop AI algorithms to detect liver cancer on CT images.

Successful PhD defense by Tollef Jahren

June 14, 2024

We congratulate Tollef Jahren for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Deep learning for detecting valvular events and suppressing reverberations in cardiac ultrasound" for the degree Philosophiae Doctor at Department of Informatics, University of Oslo.

Nettavisen: Over 100 norske kjendiser misbrukt på pornosider: – Vil bli mer og mer tilgjengelig

June 13, 2024

Noen få tastetrykk er alt som skal til for å finne falske nakenbilder og videoer av norske kjendiser. – Ekstremt bekymringsfullt, sier KI-ekspert

Daniel Johansen Trosten awarded the NAIS Dissertation Award of 2023

June 13, 2024

Visual Intelligence congratulates Daniel Johansen Trosten for receiving the Dissertation Award of 2023 from Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society (NAIS)!

Visual Intelligence represented at Blått kompass 2024

June 7, 2024

Centre director Robert Jenssen represented Visual Intelligence at the marine conference Blått kompass.

Exchange stays and pizza on the menu at VIGS social event in Tromsø

June 4, 2024

The Visual Intelligence Graduate School (VIGS) recently gathered our Tromsø based researchers at Árdna - The Sami Cultural Center for a social event about exchange stays.

Professor Michael Kampffmeyer receives "Early career investigator" award at NORA Annual Awards

June 4, 2024

We congratulate professor Michael Kampffmeyer for receiving the "Early career investigator" award at the NORA Annual Awards! Jenter søker seg ikke til matematikk: – Teknologien vi utvikler, blir utviklet på menns premisser

May 27, 2024

Til tross for gode karakterer, søker svært få jenter seg til studier innen matematikk, naturfag og teknologi. En studie viser at det kan handle om lav selvtillit.

NLDL 2025: Call for Papers and Abstracts

May 23, 2024

We invite submissions presenting new and original research on all aspects of Deep Learning for the Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL) 2025.

Meet Filippo and Ronan, our new Visual Intelligence interns

May 16, 2024

I am eager to absorb knowledge from these experts and contribute to our collective understanding, says Filippo Bascetta, who is one of two new VI interns.

Norsk regnesentral podcast: «In the 90s, everybody knew that AI didn't work.» Hvorfor hadde Sergey Brin rett da han sa det?

May 15, 2024

Listen to VI co-director Line Eikvil and research director Anders Løland (Norsk Regnesentral) talk about developments before and after the breakthrough of deep learning in the NR podcast, Sannsynligvis VIKTIG (Norwegian dialogue).