Matteo Ravasi, Senior Research Advisor at Shearwater GeoServices
Young Min Kim, Associate Professor at Seoul National University, South Korea
Marius Aasan, PhD Candidate, University of Oslo
Dhananjay Tomar, PhD Candidate, University of Oslo
Bjørn Leth Møller, Ph.D. Student at Copenhagen University, DIKU, IMAGE section
Arian Mousakhan, PhD student at the Computer Vision Lab, University of Freiburg
Durgesh Kumar Singh, Visual Intelligence PhD student at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Thea Brüsch, PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Compute), Visiting PhD student at the Visual Intelligence at UiT.
Ahmet Pala, Ph.D. Research Fellow in Mathematics, University of Bergen (UiB)
Paul Jäger, Research Group Leader at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Helmholtz Imaging
Rwiddhi Chakraborty, Doctoral Research Fellow at theMachine Learning Group, UiT The Arctic University of Norway