I teorien ja, men i praksis fungerer det ikke slik.
EUGLOH students from partner institutions under the EUGLOH alliance can now apply for a exclusive mobility scholarship for the NLDL 2025 Winter School which covers travel, accommodation, and sustenance for successful applicants.
Visual Intelligence researchers represented the centre during Inspirasjonsdagen 2024. The event aimed to stimulate high school students' interest and curiosity for STEM and healthcare-related study programmes at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Our summer students have worked on projects related to fatigue and stress recognition with machine learning as their first research experience. Their results were presented at Georg Sverdrups hus at University of Oslo on October 16th 2024.
PhD candidate Rwiddhi Chakraborty recently gave an invited research talk titled "Perspectives on Multimodal Reasoning" at the Pioneer Centre for AI at University of Copenhagen.
Visual Intelligence was represented at Frampeik 2024 by associate professor Elisabeth Wetzer. The event gathered student researchers at Verdensteatret in Tromsø for discussions around AI-related topics.
We happily welcome Jan Zavadil, who recently started as a doctoral research fellow at Visual Intelligence in Tromsø in September 2024.
Visual Intelligence researchers participated in various dissemination activities throughout Forskningsdagene 2024. The activities aimed to disseminate general knowledge about deep learning and Visual Intelligence's research activities to the general public.
93 people from across the Visual Intelligence (VI) consortium gathered at Quality Airport Hotel Gardermoen for Visual Intelligence Days 2024, 24th to 25th of September.
Congratulations to Ghadi Al Hajj for successfully defending his PhD thesis and achieving the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo on September 16th 2024!
Kommende søndag er det åpen dag på Nordnorsk vitensenter. Der lanseres vitensenteret siste nyvinning, en interaktiv utstilling basert på kunstig intelligens (KI).
Durgesh Kumar Singh is a PhD candidate at Visual Intelligence (VI) in Tromsø. He visited the University of Oslo and GE Vingmed Ultrasound from May to June 2024.
Maskinlæringsgruppen på UiT og SFI Visual Intelligence har arbeidet med å lage en utstilling som skal øke barns interesse, nysgjerrighet, og forståelse for kunstig intelligens. Nå vil den være utstillingsklar under et åpent familiearrangement på Nordnorsk vitensenter 22 september
Forskere har trent opp kunstig intelligens til å finne og kategorisere mikrofossiler. De tror arbeidet kan bli til stor nytte for geologer verden over (Norwegian news story at forskning.no).
Associate professor Kristoffer Wickstrøm represented Visual Intelligence at Nordnorsk ingeniørkonferanse 2024.
We happily welcome Christian Salomonsen, who recently started as a doctoral research fellow at Visual Intelligence in Tromsø.
I fremtiden kan leger og sykepleiere få hjelp av kunstig intelligens med å gjøre jobben sin. Men hvordan? En KI-forsker forklarer.
Associate professor and PI Elisabeth Wetzer participated in this year's Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Vienna, Austria. The conference is one of the world's largest annual gatherings for Nobel Prize winners.
We happily welcome Preetraj Bhoodoo, who recently started as a doctoral research fellow at Visual Intelligence in Oslo.
Centre director Robert Jenssen was featured in an NRK Radio interview about the Arendalsuka event "Hvordan implementerer vi KI for bruk i helsesektoren på en trygg måte?"