Cambridge University - Partner in the Alan Turing Institute
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Cambridge University - Partner in the Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute to work with Visual Intelligence on AI research

The Alan Turing Institute and Visual Intelligence have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the intention to set up exciting avenues for joint research.

The Alan Turing Institute to work with Visual Intelligence on AI research


The Alan Turing Institute and Visual Intelligence have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the intention to set up mutually beneficial avenues for joint research.

Professor Robert Jenssen, Director of Visual Intelligence, is excited about the MoU:

- This strategic partnership with one of the best AI centres in the world will give many opportunities for excellent research and innovation. In my view, it is the strength of our consortium that has made us in Visual Intelligence an attractive partner for the Turing, as we are spanning academic groups, public institutions, and commercial companies, working on real problems and challenging data of importance both to the private and the public sector.

As first steps towards the collaboration, Visual Intelligence has employed Professor Mark Girolami at The Alan Turing Institute and at Cambridge University in an adjunct professor position to work on the development of new algorithms at the intersection of deep learning and uncertainty quantification. Visual Intelligence and the Turing are seeking opportunities to map out a collaboration around AI for wildlife monitoring.

- We at The Alan Turing Institute are delighted to be working alongside Visual Intelligence where together we are seeking to address some of the most pressing global challenges the planet faces. The AI technologies Visual Intelligence and the Turing research teams seek to work on will help to address for example threats to wildlife driven by climate change. We are looking forward to a productive, impactful, and enjoyable joint collaborative effort between our two institutions and countries, says Girolami.

- This will give our young researchers the opportunity to work and engage with The Alan Turing Institute for shorter and longer research collaborations, and vice versa. This is important for our strategy as a research centre to be at the international forefront, concludes Jenssen.

The Alan Turing Institute:

News story in Norwegian:

Professor Mark Girolami, Programme Director at Turing
Professor Robert Jenssen, Director of Visual Intelligence

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