Participants of the VIGS gathering on top of Fjellheisen.
Ghadi Al Hajj

Participants of the VIGS gathering on top of Fjellheisen.

Report from the VIGS gathering in Tromsø

7-8 November VIGS organized a successful gathering for early career researchers in Tromsø. The program was filled with both a social and technical program and gathered around 20 researchers from the research partners in Visual Intelligence.

Visual Intelligence Graduate School gathering in Tromsø 7-8 November

VIGS aims to connect early career researchers across the research partners of Visual Intelligence, and organized a social and technical gathering in Tromsø 7-8 November 2022.

Around 20 researchers from Oslo and Tromsø met up for two days of networking and professional input at the venues of the UiT Machine Learning group in Tromsø. As a guest speaker VIGS had invited David Grellscheid from the University of Bergen and the Summer school of Collaborative scientific software development, to give some selected talks on scientific software development.

David Grellscheid giving a talk on collaborative scientific software development at the VIGS gathering in Tromsø, 2022. Photo: Harald Lykke Joakimsen.

In addition to the invited speaker, some of the internal participants of the VIGS event shared their expertise and experience with tools for experiment tracking, parallel computing and data processing.

Within the Visual Intelligence community it is great that we can learn from each other by sharing knowledge and know-how.
Daniel Trosten, PhD student at UiT gives a talk on the centralized super-computer "Betsy" located in Trondheim, Norway. Photo: Ghadi Al Hajj.

In the evening, all the participants met up for a trip to Fjellheisen to get a beautiful evening view of Tromsø, before finishing together with a better meal at the local gourmet restaurant, Hildr, located in the historic parts of Tromsø city center.

Tromsø by night from Fjellheisen. Photo: Ghadi Al Hajj.

The VIGS board wish to thank all participants of the graduate school event this fall, and also the invited speakers Daniel, Ingrid, Rwiddhi, and of course David Grellscheid from UiB.

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