Pascal Fua giving a presentation titled "Deep Uncertainty" at Forskningsparken in Tromsø. Photo: Petter Bjørklund.
Petter Bjørklund/Visual Intelligence

Pascal Fua giving a presentation titled "Deep Uncertainty" at Forskningsparken in Tromsø. Photo: Petter Bjørklund.

Pascal Fua visits Visual Intelligence in Tromsø

While visiting Tromsø, Fua held two talks on the topics of "Deep Uncertainty" and "Deep 3D Surface Meshes" for students and researchers at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Pascal Fua visits Visual Intelligence in Tromsø

Visual Intelligence had the great pleasure of having professor Pascal Fua visit the research centre in Tromsø from April 8th to 9th.

Fua is a professor in computer science at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He often serves as program committee member, area chair, and program chair of major vision conferences and has cofounded two spinoff companies.

Fua giving a talk on "Deep 3D Surface Meshes" at Realfagsbygget, UiT Tromsø. Photo: Petter Bjørklund/Visual Intelligence.

While visiting Tromsø, Fua held two talks on the topics of "Deep Uncertainty" and "Deep 3D Surface Meshes" for students and researchers at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

In the latter talk, Fua presented his approach to overcoming certain limitations of Deep Implicit Fields: a methodology which allows for detailed modeling of surfaces of arbitrary topology while not relying on a 3D Euclidean grid.

Fua also discussed an approach to implementing convolutional neural nets that output complex 3D surface meshes while remaining fully-differentiable and end-to-end trainable.

Fua and researchers from UiT Machine Learning Group during a whiteboard session. Photo: Petter Bjørklund/Visual Intelligence.

Finally, he touched upon present applications to single view reconstruction, physically-driven Shape optimization, and bio-medical image segmentation.

Both students and researchers at UiT asked stimulating questions on the talk topics, providing an interactive environment for knowledge-sharing between Fua and the audience.

Associate professors Michael Kampffmeyer, Kristoffer Wickstrøm and Elisabeth Wetzer and PhD student Durgesh Singh held a session of brief talks during Fua's visit.

Centre director Robert Jenssen organized a whiteboard session with Fua for researchers at the UiT Machine Learning Group. The session delved deeper into the topics of homology and uncertainty.

Fua (third from the right) together with researchers associated with UiT Machine Learning Group. Photo: Petter Bjørklund/Visual Intelligence.

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