News from Visual Intelligence

New principal investigators at Visual Intelligence

February 15, 2024

Visual Intelligence congratulates associate professors Elisabeth Wetzer, Ali Ramezani-Kebrya, and Kristoffer Wickstrøm with their recently promoted roles as principal investigators at the research centre.

Two Visual Intelligence papers accepted for prestigious AI conference

February 9, 2024

New information theories and divergences by Visual Intelligence have been developed and accepted in the prestigious International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024. ICLR has an acceptance rate of approximately 30 percent. Can Norwegian invention revolutionize AI?

February 9, 2024

In a Norwegian news story by, Visual Intelligence director Robert Jenssen comments on the "Tsetlin machine", an AI algorithim developed by researcher Ole-Christoffer Granmo from the University of Agder.

Taught graph machine learning at the Geilo Winter School

February 8, 2024

Associate professor Benjamin Ricaud was one of three invited lecturers at the 24th Geilo Winter School. His presentations focused on graph spectral theory, graph signal processing and their connection to graph machine learning.

TV2: Facebook to tag AI-generated pictures: - Major news

February 8, 2024

In a Norwegian news story by TV2, associate professor Kristoffer Wickstrøm shares his views on Meta's recent statements saying they will tag all AI-generated pictures published on their platforms.

TV2: Experts warn: - Makes you a felon

February 5, 2024

In a news story by TV2, associate professor Elisabeth Wetzer at UiT Machine Learning Group addresses the accessibility of deepfake tools and the necessity of proper AI legislation to combat the production and spread of such materials.

Visual Intelligence represented at Arctic Frontiers 2024

January 30, 2024

Visual Intelligence (VI) director Robert Jenssen represented the research centre during the Arctic Frontiers panel discussion, "Tilpasning til fremtidens næringsliv: kunnskap og kunstig intelligens".

Meet Petter, our new science communicator

January 26, 2024

His core work tasks involve communicating research activity from Visual Intelligence and UiT Machine Learning Group, as well as being a facilitative resource for science communication. - I am very excited to get acquainted with our researchers and their projects, says Bjørklund.

Thank you for participating in NLDL 2024!

January 16, 2024

Thank you to our participants who traveled to Tromsø to attend this year’s Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL) from the 9th to 11th of January!

Midt i skitværet spår de bedre og raskere værmelding

January 10, 2024

Forskere i Tromsø bruker kunstig intelligens til å forstå vær og klimaendringer.

Til Tromsø for å diskutere kunstig intelligens

January 7, 2024

Kommende uke møtes rundt 250 internasjonale forskere innen kunstig intelligens (KI) i Tromsø.

Pratet om kunstig intelligens og NLDL-konferansen på NRK Radio

January 5, 2024

I morgen tidlig kunne du høre senterleder for Visual Intelligence, Robert Jenssen prate om kunstig intelligens og NLDL-konferansen på NRKs radiosending. Hør hele NRK-intervjuet med Jenssen her (tidsstempel 01:30:00):

Ka e KI, Podcast fra UiT med Robert Jenssen

December 19, 2023

Podcast episisode 6 i UiT sin podcast serie KA I KI.

Kunstig intelligens: Advarer mot diskriminering av minoriteter

December 19, 2023

Helsevesenet er om bord når KI-toget nå forlater stasjonen. Men kan vi stole på at kunstig intelligens driver likebehandling av pasienter? – Det finnes en risiko for diskriminering, og minoritetsgrupper er særlig utsatt, advarer Mathias Karlsen Hauglid.

Hvordan bør fotavtrykket av regjeringens satsing på kunstig intelligens se ut i Nord-Norge i 2030?

December 11, 2023

Debatt innlegg av Kristoffer Wickstrøm (førsteamanuensis) Robert Jenssen (professor og leder for visual Itelligence )

Change of Chair of the Visual intelligence Board

December 11, 2023

Gudmundur Jøkulsson, Kongsberg Satellite Services succeeds Anita Schumacher, CEO University Hospital of North Norway as chair of the Visual intelligence Board from 2024.

Communication LoG meetup

December 4, 2023

Tromsø Local Meetup for the Learning on Graphs conference

Visit from The Computer Vision Lab, University of Victoria, Canada

November 25, 2023

The Visual Intelligence group at NR recently had a visit by from Mélissa Côté, Research Associate at the Computer Vision Lab to discuss deep learning and marine acoustic data.

Ja takk til «krysskulturelle» prosjekter drevet fram av teknologiutvikling

November 21, 2023

Forskningsrådet står ovenfor en krevende oppgave med å blidgjøre et stort og aktivt KI-miljø i Norge. Vi håper at eksemplene på vellykket samarbeid mellom humanister og teknologer kan være til inspirasjon i prosessen

KnowEarth: Maskinlæring og sunn fornuft

November 4, 2023

KnowEarth skal integrere menneskelig kunnskap i dagens AI-modeller og lage neste generasjons analyseverktøy. Nå er arbeidet endelig i gang!