
Visual Intelligence researcher invited to prestigious conference for Nobel Prize winners

The exclusive Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings gather 650 distinguished scientists and 30 Nobel Prize winners from across the world and places strict requirements in terms of academic and scientific quality. – A great honor, says associate professor Elisabeth Wetzer.

Visual Intelligence researcher invited to prestigious conference for Nobel Prize winners

We congratulate associate professor Elisabeth Wetzer, who is one of 650 scientists who is invited to the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. She is a part of the UiT Machine Learning Group in Tromsø.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings gather 650 distinguished scientists and 30 Nobel Prize winners from across the world to exchange knowledge and experiences across generations, cultures, and scientific disciplines.

The conference is one of the largest annual gatherings for Nobel Prize winners after the Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden.

This year marks the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings’ 73rd year as an international research conference, which will be held from June 30th to July 5th in the German city Lindau.

Wetzer is highly grateful for what she describes as a great honor.

- It will be a unique and incredible opportunity to meet so many talented and engaged scientists from all over the world with different backgrounds, views, and stories, Wetzer says.

- The forum in its form is absolutely unique as it gathers many brilliant minds in a friendly setting dedicated to fostering collaboration and the transfer of knowledge, Wetzer adds.

Panel debate at last year’s 72th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Photo: Christian Flemming/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Internationally renowned science conference

The Lindau conference is described as a unique, exclusive and internationally renowned research event which gives young aspiring scientists the opportunity to meet and discuss with some of the most influential figures within their particular scientific discipline.

The selection process places particularly strict requirements in terms of academic and scientific quality.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings cycle between three disciplines within the natural sciences each year: physics, which is this year’s topic, medicine, and chemistry.

This year’s program revolves around various topics in physics that are particularly relevant to society at large: solutions for the future of energy supply; the potential and impact of artificial intelligence; and a broader discussion of basic and applied research on quantum physics.

A great acknowledgment

Wetzer will also get the opportunity to join the Lindau Alumni Network: an exclusive international research network where former Lindau attendees can exchange knowledge and experiences with one another.

There are currently around 30 living scientists from Norway that are part of this network.

UiT professor Robert Jenssen, who is the centre director of Visual Intelligence, congratulates Wetzer for being invited to the conference in Lindau. He describes it as a great acknowledgment.

Centre director Robert Jenssen. Photo: Jonatan Ottesten/UiT.

- We are extremely proud that Elisabeth is invited to the Lindau Meeting, which is an invitation-only gathering of the most promising young scientists from all over the world. It is of great benefit for all of us at UiT and the research centre, and for Elisabeth in particular, that she with this becomes part of this special community, Jenssen states.

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