
Performing objective measurements in ultrasound images

Measurements of dimensions, e.g., of left ventricle in two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE), can be highly significant markers of several cardiovascular diseases and such measurements are often used in clinical care.

Execution of echocardiography.

The location of positions needed for measurements is however challenging in ultrasound images due to fuzzy boundaries and varying reflection patterns between frames. This also leads to a large variability between observers, where effective automation may be an approach to reduce this variability. However, due to a need for expert annotations representing a variation of diagnoses and due to observer variability, training data are scarce and can be noisy. The aim is therefore to develop methods and approaches enabling training of deep networks from these limited annotations.

For the problem of automatic measurements of dimensions of the left ventricle in two-dimensional echocardiography, Vingmed has a substantial collection of image data available. Some of these are labelled by experts and can be used as a starting point for investigating approaches for learning from limited data. We will start from this and analyze both the data and the amount and quality of labels to decide on potential methodological directions.


At VI seminar #3 Andrew Gilbert presented his research on deep learning and ultrasound imaging. The presentation is available below and concerns the issue of small datasets in medical imaging. They propose to generate synthetic labeled data for ultrasound imaging using a generative adversarial network (GAN).

Further reading

Modelling continuity in seismic data
January 19, 2021
Visual intelligence is collaborating with Equinor to develop models that can exploit seismicdata and model the continuity of the subsurface.
Deep learning and AI in the medical domain
January 19, 2021
Overcoming the challenges of limited training data in the medical domain and laying the fundamentals for explainability and reliability.
Detection and classification of fish species from acoustic data
March 1, 2021
We collaborate with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) to develop models and applications to detect and classify fish from echosounders.